Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Improve GRE Vocab: BED Time Reading

Today was very special day for me. Today my thesis supervisor Professor Dr. Bharat Mani Pokhrel appreciated my thesis work and gave nod to submit thesis for final examination. I hope with in few days, I will have thesis presentation and will get transcript too. Due to this excitement, I am not sleepy today (Hey, it’s not insomnia!!!).
I didn’t post anything to my blog today, but you guys (obviously I mean to tell you girls also) might be expecting something valuable.
Today, let’s get acquainted with words pertaining to sleep.
(You can master these words with little effort; just remember them whenever you go to bed).
1.      Comatose (adj): of or in a state of coma (a state of prolonged deep unconsciousness, caused especially by severe injury or illness i.e. Deep Sleep

2.      Dormant (of an animal) in or as if in a deep sleep
3.      Doze: partially sleep
4.      Hibernate (v): (of an animal or plant) spend the winter in a dormant state.
5.      (adj): relating to or producing hypnosis
                       : having a compelling or soporific effect
               (n): med: a sleep inducing drug
6.      Insomnia (n): habitual sleeplessness
7.      Lullaby (n): a soothing song sung to send a child to sleep
8.      Reverie (n): a day dream

9.      Somnolent (adj): sleepy, drowsy; inducing drowsiness
10.  Somnambulist (n): a person who walks in sleep
11.  Somniloquist: a person who speaks in sleep
12.  Somniferous (adj): inducing sleep
Mneomonics: Somn is a root/ stem word, which means sleep (look first four words derived from this stem word)
13.  Soporific (adj): inducing drowsiness or sleep; sleepy
                 (n): a soporific drug or other agent
14.  Slumber: sleep
15.  Supine (adj): lying flat on one’s back with one’s face upwards; lay supine
Prostrate (adj): lying stretched out on the ground with one’s face downwards.
Use: fall prostrate in worship

Prone (adj): lying flat, especially face downwards
           : likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience (something unfortunate)
Use: Accident prone; prone to disease etc.

Confusing word:
Sleeper (n): something originally of little value or importance than in times it becomes very valuable.

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