Friday, March 19, 2010

GRE Group: Pictorial Display 3

1.      Cog (n): tooth projecting from the wheel
2.      Trough (n): a long narrow open container for animal food or water
3.      Barb (n): sharp projection from fish hook or other objects
             : critical remark
4.      Yoke: animal harness
figurative meaning: link things together
5.      Nettle (n): plant with stinging leaves
figurative meaning (v): irritate somebody, sting somebody

6.      Hummock (n): a hillock or knoll, or small hill
7.      Dune (n): a mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert
8.      Glade (n): an open space in a wood or forest
9.      Oasis (n): a fertile spot in a desert where the water table rises to ground level
              : an area or period of calm in the midst of a difficult or hectic plan or situation

10.  Bullion (n): gold and silvers in the form of bars
11.  Cistern (n): reservoir or water tank
12.  Igneous (adj): (of rock) having solidified from lava or magma
                      : relating to or involving volcanic or plutonic processes

13.  Lasso (n): a rope with a noose at one end, used especially in North America for catching cattle
14.   Tether(v): tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement
            (n): a rope or chain used to tether an animal

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