Friday, March 19, 2010

Gre group: Animal world

  1. Albatross (n): a very large seabird
  2. Chameleon (n): lizard that changes color in different situations.
    Analogy: CHAMELEON: HERPETOLOGIST:: salmon: ichtylogist
  3. Marsupial (n): a mammal whose young are born incompletely developed and are carried and suckled in a pouch on the mother’s belly.
  4. Mastiff (n): a dog of large, strong breed with drooping ears and pendulous lips
  5. Pachyderm (n): a very large animal with thick skin, especially an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus
  6. Pterodactyl (n): extinct flying reptile
  7. Sloth (n): a slow moving tropical American mammal
    Figurative meaning: reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness
    Analogy: INDOLENT: SLOTH:: wrathful: ire
  8. Tarantula (n): a big venomous spider
  9. Urchin (n): a sea urchin
    Figurative meaning: a child who is poorly or raggedly dressed.
  10. Viper (n): a venomous snake with large hinged fangs
    Figurative meaning: a spiteful or treacherous person

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