Thursday, April 8, 2010


1. Benison vs. Venison
Benison (n): blessing
Venison (n): meat from a deer.

2. Bolster vs. Holster
Bolster (v): support or reinforce
Holster (n): a holder carrying a handgun, typically worn on a belt or under the arm.

3. Callow vs. Fallow
Callow (adj): (of a young person) inexperienced and immature
Fallow (adj): plowed but not sowed; uncultivated

4. Canter vs. Banter
canter (n): slow gallop
banter (n): the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

5. capacious vs. Rapacious
capacious (adj): having a lot of space inside; roomy
rapacious (adj): aggressively greedy

6. Carping vs. Harping
Carping (n): petty criticism; fault finding.
Harping (n): tiresome dwelling on a subject.

7. Clout vs. Flout
Clout (n): great influence (especially political or social)
Flout (v): openly disregard ( a rule, law, or convention).

8. Cull vs. Gull
Cull (n): a selective slaughter of wild animals
          : a livestock animal selected for killing.
Gull (v): fool or deceive (someone).
          (n): a person who is fooled or deceived.

9. Dally vs. Rally
Dally (v): act or move slowly; trifle with; procrastinate
Rally (v): call up or summon (forces, vital powers, etc.); revive or recuperate

10. Fester vs. Pester
Fester (v): rankle; produce irritation or resentment.
Pester (v): trouble or annoy with persistent requests or interruptions.

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