Thursday, April 8, 2010


11. Festive vs. Restive
Festive (adj): relating to a festival; jovially celebratory
Restive (adj): unable to keep still or silent; restless

12. Gaunt vs. Jaunt vs Daunt vs Taunt
Gaunt (adj): lean and haggard, especially through illness, hunger, or age       
                : (of a place) grim or desolate in appearance
Jaunt (n): a short excursion for pleasure
          (v): go on a jaunt
Daunt (v): make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive

Taunt: A jeering or mocking remark made in order to wound or provoke (Challenge in an insulting way)

13. Grouse vs. Arouse
grouse (v): complain pettily; grumble
            (n): a grumble or petty complaint.
Arouse (v): evoke (a feeling or response); provoke to anger or other strong emotion.
                 Excite sexually; awaken from sleep.

14. Gust vs. Must
Gust (n): a brief, strong rush of wind (a burst of rain, sounds etc).
        (v): blow in gusts
Must (n): mustiness or mould.

15. Gusty vs. musty
gusty (adj): characterized by or blowing in gusts.
Musty (adj): having a stale or mouldy smell or taste; unoriginal or outdated.

16. Harry vs. Parry vs. Tarry
Harry (v): persistently carry out attacks on (an enemy); persistently harass
Parry (v): ward off (a weapon or attack) with a countermove
             : answer (a question or accusation) evasively.
Tarry (v): stay longer than intended; delay leaving.

17. Hex vs. Vex
hex (n): a magic spell; magic to harm others; a witch
vex (v): make annoyed or worried
(adj): angry; vexed

18. Lank vs. Dank vs rank
Lank (adj): (of hair) long, limp, and straight
Dank (adj): unpleasantly damp and cold
Rank (n): a position within a fixed hierarchy; high social standing
Rank (adj): having a foul smell

19. Lap vs. Hap
Lap (v): take in food or drink with one’s tongue; splash gently
Hap (n): luck; fortune
(v): come about by chance; happen.

20. Latent vs. Patent
Latent (adj): existing but not yet developed, manifest, or active: her latent talent.
Patent (n): a government license to an individual or body conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to make, use, or sell and invention.
(adj): open for the public to read; obvious

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