Wednesday, April 14, 2010

GRE VOCB: “Pertaining to Money”

  1. Affluent (adj): abundant, wealthy
    Antonyms: Impecunious
  2. Capital (n): pertaining to wealth, most significant

  3. Destitute (adj): extremely poor and lacking the means to provide oneself.
  4. Embezzle (v): steal or misappropriate (money placed in one’s trust or under one’s control).

  5. Endow (v): provide or give or bequeath income or money to a person or organization

    Antonyms: Divest
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  6. Expenditure (n): payment or expense; out put.
    Antonyms: store up
  7. Extort (v): get money by threatening
  8. Hack: a writer of a news paper for money who does dishonest things.
    9 A. Haggle (v): dispute or bargain persistently, especially over a price

  9. Impecunious: indigent

    Antonyms: Affluent, wealthy