Friday, April 16, 2010

unique word pair "one word difference in the Middle"

One word different in the middle
  1. veracious vs. voracious
  2. sagacious vs. salacious
  3. verve vs. verse
  4. musky vs. musty/ murky
  5. snub vs. snug/ snob
  6. amble vs. ample
  7. bogus vs. bonus
  8. chafe vs. chase
  9. condole vs. console/ condone
  10. contest vs. context
  11. converge vs. converse
  12. coven vs. cozen

unique word pair"one word substitution in the Middle"

  1. Garish vs. Garnish
    Garish (adj): obtrusively bright and showy
    Garnish (v): decorate or embellish (something, especially food).
                  (n): a small amount of food used to decorate other food
  2. Repel vs. Repeal
    Repel (v): drive or force back or away
                  : be repulsive or distasteful to
    Repeal (v): revoke or annul (a law or Act of Parliament)
               (n): the action of repealing
  3. Dose vs. Douse
    Dose (n): a quantity of a medicine or drug taken at one time
    Douse (v): drench with liquid; extinguish ( a fire or light).
  4. Seer vs. Sheer
    seer (n): a person of supposed supernatural insight who sees visions of the future
    Analogy: SEER: PROPHECY:: sage: wisdom (Defining characteristics)
    sheer (adj): nothing other than; unmitigated: sheer hard work
  5. Chase vs. Chaste
    chase (v): decorate (metal) by engraving or inlaying
    Analogy: EMBROIDER: CLOTH:: chase: metal
    chaste (adj): abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse
                       : without unnecessary ornamentation
  6. Climatic vs Climactic
    Climatic (adj): the general weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period
                         : a prevailing trend or public attitude: the current economic climate
    Climactic (adj): forming an exciting climax
  7. Congenial vs. Congenital
    congenial (adj): (of a person) pleasing through having qualities or interests similar to one’s own.
                             : suited to one’s taste or inclination
    Congenital (adj): (especially of a disease or abnormality) present from birth
                            : having a particular trait from birth or by established habit. A congenital liar.
  8. Amiable vs. amicable
    amiable (adj): friendly and pleasant in manner
    amicable (adj): characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.