Friday, March 1, 2013

Money People: Common gre Word related with Money

Every day we go to the restaurants/ pubs/ cafe with friends or relatives. No matter, it’s a cocktail party, or a collation (light meal) or a lavish dinner you savored, you have to pay the bills. I hope, you are not in a mood to swindle, or bilk (to pay partially inorder to cheat) today, but do haggle (hya dai, beer lai pani 200 lagaidine?? Ali milaunus na!!) yaar. Who pay the bill usually, you or yours frens? Based on the behavior you and your friends displayed while paying the bill, let’s know which falls into which category.

  1. Niggardly (adj): meanly stingy; parsimonious
  2. Profligate (adj): dissipated; wasteful; wildly immoral
                            : using money or resources in a way that wastes them; extravagant