Thursday, February 21, 2013

Improve your GRE Vocabulary with these GRE Mneomonics

In this gre blog post, i am presenting some of the gre mneomonics which i have collected and utilized to remember the gre words during my study period. You can enjoy the reading these words. If you also have made some mneomonics, which will help to remember particular gre word easily, you are heartily requsted to share the mneomonics.
Please send the mneomonics as a comment below, which i will be putting in the new post and this can help all of us.

  1. Zenith (n): Point directly overhead in the sky; summit
    Mnemonics: remember Zenith as the opposite of beneath
  2. Yeoman (n): a man owing small estate; middle-class farmer.
    Mneomonic: yeo man ta mero Nepali ho………. (Most of the Nepalese are middle class farmer, so the meaning of yeo man”
  3. Waggish(adj):mischievous; humorous; tricky
    Mneomonic:  majak garera vagis

  4. Abridge (v): Condense or shorten
    Mneomonic: a+bridge, bridges are meant to reduce the gap between something… so abridging something means reducing  or shortening something.