Tuesday, March 23, 2010

GRE Vocab; bevy

Bevy (n): a large group of people or things.

GRE Vocab; voracious

Voracious (adj): wanting or devouring great quantities of food
                         : very eager or enthusiastic in one’s approach
                            a voracious reader 

GRE Vocab; herbivore, carnivore

Herbivore (n): an animal that feeds on plants
Carnivore (n): an animal that feeds on flesh
Analogy: LION: CARNIVORE:: shark: scavenger (Defining Characteristic)

GRE Vocab; gormandize

Gormandize (v): eat good food, especially to excess
                     (n): appreciation or consumption of good food

GRE Vocab;glutton

Glutton (n): an excessively greedy eater
                  : a person who is very fond of something
 i.e he’s glutton for poetry
continuously similarly gluttony is eating continuously)          

GRE Vocab;corpulent/ corporeal/ corpse/corps

  1. Corporeal (adj): relating to the body rather than the spirit; having a body
  2. Corpulent (adj): (of a person) fat
    1. Corpse (n): a dead body, especially of a human
    2. Corps (n): a main subdivision of an army in the field, consisting of two or more divisions.
                     : A branch of army assigned to particular work
                     : a group of people engaged in a particular activity; e.g. the press corps.

    GRE Vocab; stenography

    Stenography (n): the action or process of writing in shorthand and transcribing the shorthand on a typewriter.

    GRE Vocab; cartographer

    Cartography (n): the science or practice of drawing maps
    Cartographer (n): map maker