Friday, March 19, 2010

GRE Vocab; crepuscule

crepuscule (adj); twilight; time after sunset or before dawn

GRE Group: Pictorial Display 2

  1. Clapper (n): the tongue or striker of a bell
  2. Carillon (n): a set of bells capable of being played once
  3. Tureen (n): a deep covered dish from which soup is served
  4. Denture (n): artificial teeth
    Analogy: DENTURE: TEETH:: toupee: hair
  5. Toupee (n): a small wig or hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot.
  6. Caldron (n):large kettle
  7. Carnelian: reddish translucent gemstone
  8. Loom (n): an apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread
    Analogy: NEEDLE: KNIT:: loom: weave (tool and its action)

GRE Vocab; enshroud

enshroud (v): envelope completely or hide from view
                    : obscure or wrap in shroud

GRE Vocab; shrivel

Shrivel (n); wrinkle and contract, or cause to wrinkle and contract, through loss of moisture.

GRE Vocab; grotto

Grotto (n); a cave with interesting natural features

GRE Vocab; mansard, dormer

Mansard (n): a type of roof
Dormer (n): A type of window

GRE Vocab; convict

Convict (v) Declare to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury
             (n) a person convicted of a criminal offence and serving a sentence of imprisonment.

Words with Similar Meanings: Ephemeral

Ephemeral  (adj); lasting or used for a very short time
Origin: from ephemera; a may fly having very short adult life
Quotes: I am not interested in the ephemeral…… I am interested in those things that repeat and repeat in the lives of millions.-Wilder TN

Words with Similar Meanings: Ephemeral
  1. evanescent
  2. fleeting
  3. Momentary
  4. Transient

GRE Vocab; torque

torque (N); twisting force
force producing rotation; all helicopters design must counteract torque

GRE Vocab; Diorama

Diorama (n): three dimensional paintings

Words with Similar Meanings: Inchoate

inchoate (adj) ; just beginning, imperfectly formed, Not fully formed, disorganized
Recently started but not fully formed yet; just begun; only elementary or immature.

Words with Similar Meanings: Inchoate
  1. Amorphous
  2. incoherent
  3. incomplete
  4. unorganized  

Gre group: Animal world

  1. Albatross (n): a very large seabird
  2. Chameleon (n): lizard that changes color in different situations.
    Analogy: CHAMELEON: HERPETOLOGIST:: salmon: ichtylogist
  3. Marsupial (n): a mammal whose young are born incompletely developed and are carried and suckled in a pouch on the mother’s belly.
  4. Mastiff (n): a dog of large, strong breed with drooping ears and pendulous lips
  5. Pachyderm (n): a very large animal with thick skin, especially an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus
  6. Pterodactyl (n): extinct flying reptile
  7. Sloth (n): a slow moving tropical American mammal
    Figurative meaning: reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness
    Analogy: INDOLENT: SLOTH:: wrathful: ire
  8. Tarantula (n): a big venomous spider
  9. Urchin (n): a sea urchin
    Figurative meaning: a child who is poorly or raggedly dressed.
  10. Viper (n): a venomous snake with large hinged fangs
    Figurative meaning: a spiteful or treacherous person

GRE Vocab; veneer

Veneer (n): layer of plywood

GRE Vocab; warren

warren (n): a network of interconnecting rabbit burrows

GRE Vocab; Whelp

whelp:(n) a puppy
          (v) to produce puppy

GRE Vocab; whinny

Whinny: (n): a gentle, high-pitched neigh
             (v): (of a horse) make a whinny

GRE Vocab; Wilt

Wilt (v): become limp through loss of water, heat, or disease; droop
        (n): any of a number of fungal or bacterial diseases of plants characterized by wilting of the foliage

GRE Vocab; coy

coy (adj) ; pretending to be shy or shy

GRE Vocab;bridlepath

BridlePath (n); track for horse back riding

GRE Vocab; shepherd

Shepherd (n); somebody tending sheep

GRE Vocab; bow

bow (n); rod for playing stringed instruments

GRE Vocab; asteroids

Asteroids (n): Small planets

GRE Vocab; conscript

Conscript (v), (n); soldier under compulsion
 figure showing  israeli conscripts in training

GRE Vocab; Chef

chef (n); professional cook

GRE Vocab; Colossus

Colossus (N):Gigantic Statue

GRE Vocab; astringent

astringent (n):which makes oily skin less oily; pore closing substance

GRE Group: Pictorial Display 3

1.      Cog (n): tooth projecting from the wheel
2.      Trough (n): a long narrow open container for animal food or water
3.      Barb (n): sharp projection from fish hook or other objects
             : critical remark
4.      Yoke: animal harness
figurative meaning: link things together
5.      Nettle (n): plant with stinging leaves
figurative meaning (v): irritate somebody, sting somebody

6.      Hummock (n): a hillock or knoll, or small hill
7.      Dune (n): a mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert
8.      Glade (n): an open space in a wood or forest
9.      Oasis (n): a fertile spot in a desert where the water table rises to ground level
              : an area or period of calm in the midst of a difficult or hectic plan or situation

10.  Bullion (n): gold and silvers in the form of bars
11.  Cistern (n): reservoir or water tank
12.  Igneous (adj): (of rock) having solidified from lava or magma
                      : relating to or involving volcanic or plutonic processes

13.  Lasso (n): a rope with a noose at one end, used especially in North America for catching cattle
14.   Tether(v): tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement
            (n): a rope or chain used to tether an animal

GRE Vocab; Collation

collation (n); a light meal or refreshment

GRE Vocab; arresting

arresting;  so good-looking or so unusual that people's attention is immediately caught