Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gre Vocab:study of the subjects and specialists

Study of the Subject (n) Specialist (n)

1. Anthropology anthropologist
Anthropology (n): the study of humankind, including the comparative study of societies and cultures and the science of human zoology and evolution.

2. Alchemy alchemist

the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir
: a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation etc

3. Cardiology cardiologist
The branch of medicine concerned with diseases and abnormalities of the heart

4. Dermatology dermatologist

The branch of medicine concerned with skin disorders

5. Ecology ecologist
The branch of biology concerned with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings

6. Entomology entomologist
The branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects.

7. Epidemiology epidemiologist
the branch of medicine concerned with the incidence and distribution of diseases and other factors relating to health

8. Epistemology epistemologist
the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope

9. Etymology etymologist

an account of the origins and the developments in meaning of a word.

10. Herpetology herpetologist
the branch of zoology concerned with reptiles and amphibians.

11. Ichthyology ichthyologist
the branch of zoology concerned with fish.

12. Ontology ontologist
the branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature of being

13. Oncology oncologist
the study and treatment of tumors

14. Ornithology ornithologist
the scientific study of birds

15. Paleontology paleontologist
study of prehistoric life

16. Petrology petrologist
the study of the origin, structure, and composition of rocks

17. Philology philologist
the study of the structure, historical development, and relationships of a language or languages

18. sociology sociologist
the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society

19. Seismology seismologist
The branch of science concerned with earthquakes and related phenomena.

20. Taxonomy taxonomist
the branch of science concerned with classification/ scheme of classification.

21. Semantics semantician/ semanticist
the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning

22. Prosody prosodist
the study of the rhythm and sound used in poetry

23. Podiatry/chiropody podiatrist/chiropodist
a person involved for the treatment of the feet and their ailments
Analogy: DERMATOLOGIST: SKIN:: podiatrist: feet
24. Optometry optometrist
the occupation of measuring eyesight, prescribing corrective lenses, and detecting eye disease

25. Genetics geneticist
the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics

26. Philately philatelist
the collection and study of postage stamps

27. Linguistics (n): the scientific study of language and its structure.

28. Gastronomy (n): the practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food.

29. Ballistics (n): the science of projectiles and firearms

30. Demography (n): the study of the structure of human populations using statistics relating to births, deaths, wealth, disease, etc

31. Oculist (n): a person who specializes in the medical treatments of diseases or defects of the eye; an ophthalmologist

32. Apologist (n): a person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial.

33. Philanthropist (n): a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating money to good cause.

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