Saturday, April 24, 2010

Law related words in GRE Revised Test

What is law? What it really means to you? Have you ever tried to breach the law? We can define law in different ways. So define as you like but it’s an ultimate truth that, we have to abide with a law.  When I take a survey with various students taking GRE classes by administering the GRE words related with law, most of them (who came from other backgrounds except law) scored very poorly in the survey. So today ubiquitous law words a GRE students must know. Guys, do find where you stand!!!!!! 
  1. Arbiter (n): person with power to decide a matter in dispute; judge
  2. Arbitrate (v): act as judge
  3. Accomplice (n): Partner in crime
    Quote: Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won’t adhere to any rules. The most of us can do is sign on as its accomplice. (Tom Watson).
  4. Bicameral (adj): two chambered, as a legislative body
  5. Bequeath (v): leave to someone by means of a will; handdown
  6. Codicil (n): supplement to the body of will
  7. Conviction (n): judgement that some one is guilty of crime
                           ; strongly held belief
  8. Felon (n): A person convicted of a grave crime
  9. Desperado (n): A desperate or reckless criminal
  10. Litigation (n): law suit
  11. Litigant (n): A person involved in litigation
  12. Outlaw (n): a fugitive from the law
  13. Perjury (n): false testimony while under oath.
  14. Preamble (n): a preliminary statement; an introduction
    use: in the preamble to the constitution, the purpose of the document is set forth.
  15. Rider (n): amendment or clause added to a legislative bill
  16. Shyster (n): lower questionable methods
  17. Statutory (adj): created by statue or legislative action
    Use: statutory directive: Smoking is injurious to health
  18. Subpoena (n): writ summoning a witness to appear
  19. Testator (n): maker of a will
    the attorney called his secretary and his partner to witness the signature of the testator
  20. Tribunal (n): curt of justice
  21. Writ (n); written command issued by a court

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