Friday, April 16, 2010

unique word pair"one word substitution in the Middle"

  1. Garish vs. Garnish
    Garish (adj): obtrusively bright and showy
    Garnish (v): decorate or embellish (something, especially food).
                  (n): a small amount of food used to decorate other food
  2. Repel vs. Repeal
    Repel (v): drive or force back or away
                  : be repulsive or distasteful to
    Repeal (v): revoke or annul (a law or Act of Parliament)
               (n): the action of repealing
  3. Dose vs. Douse
    Dose (n): a quantity of a medicine or drug taken at one time
    Douse (v): drench with liquid; extinguish ( a fire or light).
  4. Seer vs. Sheer
    seer (n): a person of supposed supernatural insight who sees visions of the future
    Analogy: SEER: PROPHECY:: sage: wisdom (Defining characteristics)
    sheer (adj): nothing other than; unmitigated: sheer hard work
  5. Chase vs. Chaste
    chase (v): decorate (metal) by engraving or inlaying
    Analogy: EMBROIDER: CLOTH:: chase: metal
    chaste (adj): abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse
                       : without unnecessary ornamentation
  6. Climatic vs Climactic
    Climatic (adj): the general weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period
                         : a prevailing trend or public attitude: the current economic climate
    Climactic (adj): forming an exciting climax
  7. Congenial vs. Congenital
    congenial (adj): (of a person) pleasing through having qualities or interests similar to one’s own.
                             : suited to one’s taste or inclination
    Congenital (adj): (especially of a disease or abnormality) present from birth
                            : having a particular trait from birth or by established habit. A congenital liar.
  8. Amiable vs. amicable
    amiable (adj): friendly and pleasant in manner
    amicable (adj): characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.

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