Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gre Group: Easy Word; Confusing Secondary Meaning

Confusing words
  1. Amazon (n): female warrior
  2. Application (n): diligent attention
  3. August (adj): impressive; majestic
    Syn: Majestic, Palatial, Stately, Splendid, Magnificient
    Use: visiting the palace at Versailles, she was impressed by the august surrounding in which she found herself.
  4. Buffet (v): slap; batter; knack about
  5. Cataract (n): great waterfall
  6. Compact (n): agreement, contract
  7. Cow (v): terrorize; intimidate
    Syn: Bluster, Browbeat, Bully
  8. Deed: authoritative paper of land or house
  9. Discount (v): disregard; to regard something as unimportant or not true.
    I don’t discount the possibility that I may be wrong.
  10. Desert (v): to leave forever
  11. Don (v): put on
  12. Ejaculation (n): exclamation
  13. Entrance (v): put under a spell; carry away with emotions
  14. Essay (v): make an attempt at; test
  15. Exact (v): require or demand, often forcibly, take
  16. Exacting (adj): extremely demanding
  17. Flag (v): to loose energy; enervate; droop; sap
  18. Forensic (adj): suitable to debate or courts of law: forensic skills
  19. Founder (v): fall completely; sink; scuttle
    use: after hitting the submerged iceberg the Titanic started taking in water rapidly and soon founded.
  20. Galaxy (n): a collection of brilliant personalities.
    Use: a galaxy of Hollywood stars/ famous intellectuals
  21. Guy (n): cable or chain attached to something that needs to be braced or steadied
  22. Husband (v): use sparingly; conserve; save
    Use: Husband one’s strength or resources
  23. Incense (v): enrage; infuriate
    Use: I feel deeply incensed by/ at the way I have been treated
  24. Last (n): a modal shoe
  25. Needle: to cause anger
    Antonyms: soothe, pacify
  26. Nostrum (n): questionable medicine; i.e. a medicine made by somebody who is not a proper doctor or chemist
    Use: quacks are selling nostrums and cheating poor people
  27. Objective (adj): not influenced by emotions; fair
    Use: even though she was his daughter, he tried to be objective about her behavior.
         : an objective report/ account/ assessment
  28. Peon(n): landless agricultural worker
  29. Pilot: a person who gives direction to the ship
  30. Pore (v): study industriously; ponder; scrutinize
    Ranjan spent hours poring over the Maps of Asia
  31. Purse(v): pucker; contract into wrinkles
                 : to form one’s mouth into a small tight round shape
    Use: her lips were pursed in disapproval
  32. Rifle: to search something hurriedly (in order to steal).
  33. School (n): a large number of fish or whale, etc swimming together.
  34. Stomach (v): (esp. in negative sentence or questions with can, could etc) to endure something; to tolerate something.
    Use: I left before the end of the film- I couldn’t stomach all the violence in it.
  35. Toy: to take something without seriousness

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