Thursday, April 29, 2010

GRE Group: Word related with SEX

  1. Amorous (adj): openly showing or feeling love; relating to sexual love.
    Use: love them and leave them, is the motto of the amorous boys.
  2. Platonic: (of love or a friendship between two people) close and deep but not sexual.
    a platonic relationship
  3. Chaste (adj): not having sex except with the person to whom one is married.
    Use: to ensure that his bride would stay chaste while he is off to the wars, the crusader had her fitted with a chastity belt.
                        : Not having had sex with anyone; pure, virgin.
  4. Celibate (adj): not married, esp. for religious reasons.
                         : Not having sexual relation
    use: she decided to adopt a celibate lifestyle.
    Celibacy (n): the state of not being married or of not having sexual relationships; esp. for a long time.
    Use: catholic priests take a vow of celibacy.
    Quote: Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures (Samuel Johnson).
  5. Consummate (v): to make marriage legally complete by having sex.
    Use: the marriage lasted only for a week and was never consummate.
    (other meanings of consummate are described elsewhere in this blog)
  6. Harlot (n): prostitute.
  7. Incest: sex between people who are very closely related, eg a brother and sister or a father and daughter
  8. Salacious (adj): lascivious, lustful
                            : (of speech, books, pictures etc) treating sexual matters in a frank and obscene way.
    Salacious gossip
  9. Libertine (n): a man who behaves without moral principles or sense of responsibility, esp. in sexual matters.
                         : debauched person, rouĂ©.
  10. Libidinous (adj): having or showing strong sexual feelings; lustful.
    They objected to his libidinous behavior.
  11. Libido: the urge or energy for sex.
    The psychiatrist maintained that suppression of the libido often resulted in maladjustment and neuroses.
  12. Licentious (adj); having or showing no moral principles in sexual matters.
                            : amoral; lewd and lascivious
  13. lascivious  (adj): feeling, expressing or causing sexual desire; lustful
    lascivious eyes/ thoughts
  14. Lewd (adj): treating or referring to sex in a crude or offensive way; obscene
    lewd songs/ jokes; a lewd gesture
    use: because that might arouse lascivious impulses in their readers, the lewd books were banned by the clergy.
  15. Lechery (n): behavior that shows an excessive interest in sexual pleasure
    lecher (n): a man who is always thinking about and looking for sexual pleasure.
  16. Impotent: (of man) unable to have full sex or reach an orgasm.
             (adj): unable to take effective action; helpless
    use: without the chair-man’s support, the committee is impotent.
  17. Voyeur (n): a person who gets pleasure from secretly watching the sexual activities of others; peeping tom.
    Use: Monica called William a voyeur when she caught him aiming his binoculars at a bed room window of the house next door.
  18. Nubile (adj): (of girls or young woman) sexually attractive.
    Use: a photograph of nubile young woman.
  19. Ogle (v): to look or stare at somebody, esp. a woman, in a way that suggests sexual interests.
                : look at amorously; make eyes at
    use: she dislikes being ogled.
  20. Obscene (adj): (of words, pictures, behavior etc) offensive or disgusting by accepted moral standards, esp. in sexual matters.
    use: obscene books/ films/ literature/ gestures/ language/ phone calls
  21. Orgy (n): a wild party with a lot of drinking and/ or sexual activity
                  : wild drunken revelry; unrestrained indulgence
  22. Orgasm (n): the most intense moment of sexual excitement, of an instance of this
    use: reach orgasm; have an orgasm
  23. Prurient (adj): having or causing lustful thoughts and desires or showing excessive interest in sexual matters.
    he is showing a prurient interest in the details of a rape case
  24. Promiscuous (adj): having many sexual partners.
    Promiscuous behavior; a promiscuous society.
                   : Not carefully chosen; haphazard; irregular; mixed indiscriminately.
  25. Wanton: having or showing a strong interest in sex, esp with many partners.
    Wanton (adj): done deliberately for no good reason.
    Use: The wanton destruction of a historic building.
             Wanton act of terrorist.

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