Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gre Group: Easy Word; Confusing Secondary Meaning 2

  1. Academic (adj): not relevant to practical affairs; of theoretical interest only; not practical or directly useful.
    A matter of academic concern, a purely academic question.
  2. Distant (adj): not very friendly; reserved or aloof; cold in manner
    he seems distant until you get to know him
    her distant greeting made me feel unwelcome from the start.
  3. Economy (n): efficiency or conciseness in using something
                        : use of available resources in a way that saves money, time, etc or avoids waste.
    Economy of language (i.e. using few words)
    Traveling in economy class (i.e. by the cheapest class of air travel)
  4. Purchase (n): a firm hold or grip on something; e.g. on a flat surface
    the mountaineers struggled to get a proper purchase on the slippery rock.
  5. Vegetate (n): to live a dull life with little activity or interest; live in a monotonous way.
    Vegetating at home without a job

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